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ラスベガス地域社会に役立つ奉仕活動をすることを目的とした非営利のボランティア団体です。日本の芸術、食べ物、言語などに興味を持 ち、日本文化を促進する人々のネットワークを作り、それらを分かち合うための活動を行っ ています。特に日系のシニアが互いを支え合えるシステムを作るためにも努力を重ねています。私たちの目標はメンバーや一般市民が楽しく集うことが出来たり、情報を求める人や高齢者に手を差し伸べたりすることなどが出来る多機能コミュニティセンターを作ることです。

Kizuna Japanese Society is a community-oriented, non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to serving the community of Las Vegas by providing access and support for philanthropic, educational, and community activities and services. Creating a network of people in Las Vegas who are interested in Japanese art, food, language, etc., and promoting Japanese culture. Furthermore, we are working to create a system in that Japanese seniors can support each other within the community. Our goal is to build a multifunctional cultural community center where members and the public can also gather to help people in need, particularly elderlies.

KIZUNA means the bonds—close relationships between people formed through mutual trust and support.


Kizuna Japanese Society was established in 2011 by open-minded volunteers to create a network of Japanese and Japanese-American seniors in the Las Vegas area to provide mutual assistance for one another. Our Activities Plan and discuss upcoming events at the monthly meeting. Volunteers send out monthly newsletters in Japanese and English to all members. Volunteers visit at Adult Day Care Center twice a month performing singing and dancing to entertain the people at the center. (Fun exercise!) Japanese calligraphy classes are offered twice a month, and craft classes are held once a month. Open to the public. Let’s have fun! Kizuna Japanese Spring Festival is the annual event on the first Saturday of April. The purpose of the festival is to provide an enlightening Japanese cultural experience to the public. We collaborate with other community groups in Las Vegas. Our social gatherings are bi-monthly luncheons at local restaurants, BBQ in May, “Keiro-celebration” in September, anniversary party in October, Xmas party, New Year’s party, and various functions! Yard Sale is our fundraising+social event.